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日本語の取扱説明書   英訳した取扱説明書
非常時のアラームとその処置   Alarms and their treatment in emergencies
  • 1.瞬時停止
  • 釦を回して元に戻す。続行は出来ないのでリセット釦を押してすべての機器群を初期化し、準備条件を整えてスタートさせる。
  • 2.サーキットプロテクタ
  • 続行は出来ないのでリセット釦を押して全ての電気系統の電源を落として下さい。
  • 3.空気圧低下
  • 空気圧が設定圧に達していない。空気配管系を調査して下さい。
  • 4.インバータアラーム
  • モータに過負荷がかかっています。駆動系周りを調査し原因を取り除いて下さい。
  • 5.サーボアラーム
  • サーボ過負荷、過熱、コネクター異常、電源異常等による原因が考えられる。
  • 1. Instantaneous stop button
  • Turn the button back to its original position.
    The machine cannot resume operation just by releasing this button. To restore operation, press the reset button to initialize all of the mechanisms and prepare them for operation. Then restart your operation.
  • 2. Circuit protector
  • The machine cannot resume to the operation just by releasing this alarm. To resume to the operation, turn OFF all the electrical systems.
    After determining the cause (short-circuit, disconnection, overcurrent from a loose terminal block, etc.), repair it.
    When the cause has been clearly identified and repaired, initialize all of the mechanisms, and prepare them for operation. Then, restart your operation.
  • 3. Drop in air pressure
  • The air pressure is below the required level. Check the pneumatic lines.
    The machine cannot resume to operation just by releasing this alarm. To resume operation, press the reset button to initialize all of the mechanisms, and prepare them for operation. Then, restart your operation.
  • 4. Inverter alarm
  • The motor is overloaded.
    Check the driving system and the peripherals and fix the cause.
    The machine cannot be resume operation just by releasing this alarm. To resume operation, press the reset button to initialize all of the devices, and prepare them for operation. Then, restart your operation.
  • 5. Servo alarm
  • Overloading, overheating, connector errors, power supply errors, etc., in the servo motor may be the cause.
    To learn the details of the alarm, note the LED servo driver indicator relative to its axis.
    The machine cannot restore operation just by releasing this alarm. To resume operation, turn OFF all of the electrical systems by pressing the reset button.
    Reset the LED alarm indicator. Find the cause and repair it.
    When the cause has been located and repairs are completed, initialize all of the mechanisms, and prepare them for operation. Then, restart your operation.